Thursday, April 12, 2012

Day 32

Have you ever had a dream that didn't really make sense, but upset you nonetheless? Well that's how my day started. Tiny Baby let me sleep in late, too. He's getting so big! We got a letter from Cody, today. And Tiny Baby had a very good day today. 

Tiny Baby has been growing so fast, almost too fast for his Mommy. He now pulls himself up and wanders around, holding onto things as he goes, and likes to try and get into his garbage pail while he's at it. He knocks something out of a container and picks stuff up and puts it back in. He has also started using the 'kuh' sound, and picks things up between his forefinger and thumb. Tiny Baby loves his puffs! He has now had the apple, sweet potato and banana flavors. He thought the banana was weird at first. 

He's getting faster about eating, he doesn't lollygag as much anymore, he's straight to business! And he holds himself up in the tub, so we don't need the little chair thing anymore, but i let him sit in it with the rail down so he can move around a little more. 

I spent most of the day writing to Cody, as I always do. His letter was short, because he got 11 letters on Monday from the mail backing up over Easter break. So it left him little time to write haha! Apparently he has been going to church every Sunday and wants to tell me all about it, but didn't have time. So he had me write him a letter full of questions for him to answer, and send back to me. So I did! 

I need to start getting ready for the trip, so hopefully Cody's money comes in soon so I can get the car fixed up and ready. It has an oil leak and needs tires and windshield wipers. I'm going to get it trip inspected too. I have found that the baby requires a bigger suitcase than I do for this trip... It's kind of funny how much you need for one little baby for a week long trip. 

There's a possibility we will get to spend the weekend with Cody after he reaches Fort Sill, so we will keep everyone updated about that. It'd be expensive but worth it. We are really excited, even though we still have a little over a month to go. He is writing as much as he can when he has time, and it means a lot to us. Hopefully he'll be able to get his computer and stuff for AIT. 

I hope this month flies by for us... 

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