Thursday, April 5, 2012

Day 25

Today was almost as rough as yesterday, but not quite. Still have no yet received Cody's check, and he needs some stuff, and we need rent. But we are okay so far. Tiny Baby is still sick, but he was feeling better after his nap today. He slept for THREE hours!!! He and I had some fun today, tickling him and him trying to pull my lips off my face. 

This evening, Tiny Baby made his Daddy an Easter present. We stamped his feet and hands on a piece of paper. We hope his Daddy really likes it. Lost is still getting worse and worse, but I can't seem to stop watching it. 

We are still struggling getting rent, but we have a meeting with the bishop on Sunday, so hopefully we can get it taken care of. We miss Cody so much. His letters are making me wonder whether this was the right choice more and more. I hope he is doing okay. We may be able to drive him to Ft. Sill ourselves. It's a long shot, but we can hope. Even one more day with him will make all the difference. 

Tiny Baby and I are going to go to my mom's for Easter and take lots of pictures for his Daddy. I'm going to try easter eggs with him too, see if we can get him to color some without breaking them, haha!  

Well, that's pretty much it for today. We really have boring lives.... Wow. Cody we miss you SO much... 

1 comment:

  1. So glad you were able to get a hold of the Bishop! I am also going to try coloring the eggs with both Aidan and Dorothy this year. I miss spending the holidays with your family.
