A lot has happened lately, some bad, some good and some just doesn't fit anywhere on that spectrum! Cody no longer works for Smith's, and so we lost the van and our phone service and all this happened within a week! The day after Cody stopped working for Smith's he started working for the military! Currently it's only temporary, but we hope to find something permanent from it.
The military job is a great change for us. Cody is happier with his work, he's less grumpy and we have more time together. He actually spent the entire day fixing his motorcycle with David yesterday, and David enjoyed spending so much time with his Daddy. Cody works bizarre hours during the week, but he comes home for three days per weekend and it give us a chance to be a family. :) Good stuff. It also gives me a chance to work on me!
Recently I found out I gained 20 pounds out of nowhere. With my insulin levels being too high and my omega-3 being dangerously low, my blood pressure is in danger again. My depression is worsening from it as well. But as of last week, when Cody began to lose some of his stress and anger, it was easier for us to start doing things as a family, which meant going for walks every day. We've been walking to the library, friends houses, the Ranches, all over. I have also been drinking a lot less soda and taking Iron and Fish Oil with Omega-3 every day. It's all helping, even with my energy levels!
Walking to the library means David gets to pick out his own books, he LOVES reading and us reading to him. So whenever we go to the library he gets excited and is very particular in which books we bring home. He searches the whole time we are there for the perfect ones. He's been having night terrors, though and it kind of worries me. Hopefully they won't last forever though.
With all the changes lately has come another: I am writing again!!! I have started the first in a series I have plans for, and I am even planning on doing NaNoWriMo!!! NaNoWriMo is National Novel Writing Month, where you spend the entire month with a community of people doing the same thing; trying to write a 50,000 word novel. It doesn't have to be perfect, it just has to be more than 50k worth of more than one word over and over again! I am super excited for it, but I need to work on my average words per day.
I have a few people that are pushing me with my novels, and I am SUPER grateful to them! They are so amazing for sticking by me and sticking me to my guns. I am glad I have friends like them. I still miss some of the friends I have lost over the years, but I don't know what to do to fix things between us all. But these friends helping me are who I have realized are the best friends anyone could every ask for. You guys know who you are!
Also, I will be starting an Author's Blog, where I will update on my word progress, nanowrimo stuff, write about different things and just keep trucking with my writing. I think (hope) that's it for now, but I will keep you all posted! I LOVE YOU GUYS!!!!
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