Sunday, April 15, 2012

Days 33-35

It's been a hectic couple of days so I haven't been able to post for them. So Friday I babysat all night for the sweetest little girl, and made a good payment off it. So now I have some gas money. We FINALLY figured out what was wrong with Cody's checks not coming in! We got a phone call AND a letter from Cody on Saturday at the same time! And today was an adventure. 

So what was wrong with Cody's check was that their payroll system had our account number, but it was MISSING a number. So all I had to do was call the bank and give them both numbers, and they said they'd reroute the checks to my account. So by Tuesday we should be homefree!!! Huzzah!

Then Friday night I babysat all night, hanging out with the cutest sweetest little girl! She kept sharing cookies with me! Tori and Grams came and got the baby because I didn't have the playpen for the baby. So when I got done at 7:30 in the morning they offered to keep Tiny Baby while I slept for the day, and I could come have dinner with them and pick up Tiny Baby. 

So I got home, threw on some comfy clothes and DOVE into my bed, I was SO tired. I slept for about 4 hours, when around 12:30 a phone number calls that I've never seen before and wakes me up. I look at it, don't know it and click ignore. Well it immediately calls back. So I stared at my phone for a few seconds and said okay FINE. So I answered and it was CODY! 

That phone call threw me so out of whack its ridiculous. I couldn't hear half of what he was saying, and he wasn't saying much anyway, he seemed distant... And I felt bad because the baby wasn't there. So that phone call made my Sunday VERY boring. But I was glad to hear his voice... He says he's doing okay and feels better and that he got a few of your letters, and will write when he can. 

Anyway, so last night I picked up the baby and had dinner at Grams house. Tori and I made a trip to the store for snacks, too. Then on the way home we stopped for more snacks. Twice. -.- Yep. So we finally got home and went to bed. We got up early in the morning, after a night of NO sleep for me, and went to Home Depot for a board so dad could make a gate across the top of the stairs, and stopped at Smith's for some stuff for dinner. We got to their house, sat around for a bit then went to church.

Church was boring, as it always is for me. But I tried to pay attention and not fall asleep. The baby was cranky because he hadn't had his nap, and so we took him back to Grams after sacrament was over. This is about the time Tori comes up the stairs from changing out of her skirt, and faceplants UP the stairs. It was pretty funny! Then an hour and a half later she went to get Grams, and coming up the porch she fell UP the stairs again! Poor Tori... As klutzy as her sister in law... 

We had a delicious dinner of beef roast, mashed potatoes, gravy, HUGE (butt-shaped) rolls and jello! The baby ate some of all of it and ate enough for his own dinner! I didn't need to mush it all, he knows how to take little pieces and eat them himself. He also started walking his walker around the room today. So far it is the only way he walks forward without us helping him. He also konked his nogging, turning around too fast he fell over and plopped straight down onto his back and bounced his head off grams wood floor. Boy he did not like that. No worries though, floor's fine, Tiny Baby is perfectly okay. He also got his foot stuck in the couch. He's a strange little baby.

After dinner, Tori and I cleaned up the kitchen, and then Tori bathed Tiny Baby. I ran away for home soon after to put baby into bed and to be by myself... And that's pretty much it!!! 

CODY!!! We miss you!

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